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Agenda: July 14, 2024


  • Formulate a plan for this group and how we will function as a team. 

    • Plan for this meeting: By the end of this hour/two hours, what do we want to have that we can present to the board? (We may not be able to accomplish everything on this agenda, so what is the one most important thing we want to be able to bring to the board on Aug. 11?)

  • Begin formulating a marketing/communications plan that is consistent with the strategic pillars identified at the July 14, 2024 meeting:

    • Brand Strategy Document

    • Website development and approval procedure – who develops content, who reviews and approves for posting, who maintains and updates content

    • Establish year-round media calendar, i.e. plan media blitz using suitable rescue stories to support outreach for Have A Heart, do media blitz on beginning of hurricane season

  • Communications Plan: Fall Fundraiser 

Housekeeping: For Aug. 11 Meeting


  1. Pending Website Requests: 

  2. Fall Fundraiser Graphics (Revisit in final section or jump to fundraiser comms roll-out plan now?)


Agenda Overview

  1. Define our goals as a group/team:

    1. Start by deciding what we are (committee? team?)

    2. How will we function?

    3. Reporting/monitoring progress– reporting to board, internal reporting

    4. What do we want to accomplish long-term?

    5. What do we want to accomplish today? 

  2. Brand Strategy Planning

    1. Audience

    2. How to approach branding (e.g. logo, colors, font, etc.)

    3. Social media voice and policies– acceptable vs. unacceptable posts/language (etc.)

      1. Policies for new rescues 

      2. Re: “torture porn” and the fine line between tugging on heartstrings and exploiting a horse’s condition for (cheap) sympathy

      3. Reposting/Boosting/Ads

  3. Website Development and Approval

    1. Prepare a proposal for board to vote on at next meeting? 

  4. Media Calendar Discussion

  5. Fall Fundraiser: Communications Plan

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