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QUESTION: WHO is looking for my website? 

E.g. Someone opened a search engine, and searched for something that led them to Triple R. Who are these people and what are they looking for in our website? (Search engines aren't the only way people come to our website, but they are the way in which NEW supporters almost always find us). 


1. Sally Samaritan (nee Surrender): This is the well-intentioned neighbor who, at the request of the horse's owner or on her own, wants Triple R to help/take a horse. Sally's unmarried name: Sally Surrender (because this group also includes people who are looking to surrender a horse)

Most common user(?)

Other common users:

1. Allan Adopter: Interested in adopting a rescue horse

2. Veronica Volunteer: Interested in volunteering with Triple R or even fostering

3. Daniel Donor: Looking to help Triple R by making a donation (likely came to the website from another place- social media, saw us at an event, etc.

SECOND QUESTION: Does the website function for Allan, Veronica, Daniel, AND Sally:


1. Daniel Donor: Already covered, but pending updates will also address his main interest. 

TNote: Daniel Donor is likely also interested in other Triple R content, like pictures of our horses (even the ones who aren't necessarily ready for adoption). For now, our social media addresses this, but this is a secondary interest that our website will also need to address eventually. 


2. Veronica Volunteer: May/June priority. Needs to be added to main website, but her interest is more or less covered. 

Note: Not done as of 6/11, but hopefully before June 24)-- Content created, need to get it added to main website


1. Sally Surrender: Our website has NO information at all for Sally. 

2. Allan Adopter: Our website has SOME information for Allan, but leaves a lot of unanswered questions. 

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