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Featured Horse Spring 2024: Jazz
Jazz with foster Stephen Stauffer

Quick Facts


20+ years old


Jazz came to Triple R with her longtime pasturemate, Ty, a few years ago. They were both in rough shape, and despite the best possible care, we lost Ty soon after rescuing them.
But Jazz rebounded and found a new herd of horses at her current foster’s house-- where she is a particular favorite of the geldings! 
Her advanced age and health issues—the vet says she’s very arthritic, and keeping weight on her can be difficult and costly-- means that she is almost certainly one of our Forever Horses.
So Jazz is living out her golden years under the care of longtime Triple R fosters Cathy and Stephen Stauffer, who report that she is a sweet, yet reserved girl.

Check out the slider below for more pictures of Jazz! 


Floral Border
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