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Marketing Update 

May/June 2024

Website Update/Redesign

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SHORT BIOS/PREVIEW TEXT: Right now, preview text is the first sentence or so of your bio-- not always the most informative for people who aren't interested in reading a full bio. My recommendation, then, is to provide a more focused bio of your role in Triple R-- a short list. Consider the things you do/have done most often for Triple R (even if you're not doing those things right now) This could include things like:

  • Horse transport

  • Fostering

  • Horse training

  • Event promotion

  • Coordinating media coverage

  • Intake/Initial assessment of horses in need

  • Site visits (fosters/adoptions)

  • Gulf Coast Woman's Club liaison 

  • Specific efforts related to fundraising 

(Some of you have already done this, and I will just pull from that section of your bios: I just wanted to give you a chance to add anything else you might have forgotten and to give everyone a chance to think of their own contributions and add anything I might miss if left to my own devices)

Short Bios

Consideration of this Website/Branding Exercise led me to identify most urgent needs (in order)

PRIORITY 1: Create a Page for Sally Samaritan (nee Surrender): Information for people looking to surrender/report a horse in need

Possible things to include:

  • FAQs including what Triple R can and cannot do

  • List of information we will request from you if you're reporting a horse to us.

  • Report a Horse Form: Basic information that Beth (most often) will need to start working on the situation-- background she can have BEFORE she calls the person to get the full story. 

  • Surrender form/PDF will also be included in this section (currently included in Forms page on website)

PRIORITY 2: Update/Refresh/Create Resources for Allan Adopter (e.g. individuals interested in adopting a horse)

I already asked Jon to make an Adoption Process page and told him more info. would be coming later-- so this process is already initiated

Possible things to include:

  • FAQs-- adoption fees, what is required, recommendations (e.g. consider fostering first), process (apply, call references/vet, site visit, board votes, etc.). Questions about a specific horse (email

  • Application Process: I would like to replace the adoption application form on the website with an adoption INQUIRY form. That way people can explain what they're looking for, what horse they're interested in, why they think that horse is a good fit, etc. BEFORE applying to adopt. It would also prevent people from applying for horses that are already adopted/deceased but haven't been removed from the website yet.

  • Application form would still be available on the website, but under a "Ready to Apply?" tab, making it less conspicuous to encourage people to submit an inquiry first.

  • I would also like to provide an online Adoption Form option (I've already created one on the Wix site that we can either use as is or as a template for Jon to follow).

  • I also want to make the adoption application a fillable PDF to give people more options to complete the application without the wait time associated with mail/getting the application to us. We would be able to begin on the process immediately.


I can't do this by myself! You all have so much wisdom on these topics that we really need to include. But I also don't want to inundate the entire board with emails on this topic. So here's what I propose:

WEBSITE UPDATE WORKGROUP: Board members who have time, interest and expertise who can help me brainstorm content, revise information before it goes to Jon (with a particular focus on accuracy).

If you think you might be able to help with this in the next month, please let me know.

This will not require any additional in-person commitments on your part. But possibly a phone conversation to run through ideas and emails/texts back and forth. 

** I know everyone is very busy, but consider how valuable it can be to give people these answers up front--  before they call/message us on Facebook/email with questions. Either people won't need to call/email because their question will already be answered or, when they do reach out, we will be able to jump straight to the part of the conversation where we answer their question-- instead of that back-and-forth of trying to figure out what, specifically, they are asking us for. Will there still be some of that? Yes, of course. But there will be less-- I'm thinking of the Caitlin Hoyt's of the world, for example, who clearly scoured our website for information before reaching out to us (by sending an application to adopt Beauty. . . ) 

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